About us
Who we are and what we have done
CNRD currently consists of a team working professionally in facilitation, mediation, negotiation and specialist training; We welcome researchers and others who are interested in following our project to join us.

Kajsa Roth
Coordinator of CNRD, facilitator, trainer.
About Kajsa
Kajsa is a human ecologist, nature guide and farmer. As a nature guide, Kajsa has experience in facilitating dialogue regarding protected areas. She has also worked with intercultural meetings in an urban environment through urban farming. With a critical and creative eye, Kajsa creates human stories and experiences around complex issues and facilitates socio-ecological relationships. Through her company, Kajsa has worked on behalf of, among others, the County Administrative Board of Skåne and Malmö University.

Bernard le Roux
Mediator, facilitator and trainer
About Bernard
Bernard is co-founder of Dialogues AB (svb), a not-for-profit company that addresses complex societal issues and conflicts through dialogue. With a background as a lawyer, mediator and teacher, Bernard has worked in mediation, conflict management, negotiation and dialogue for over 25 years. In all these areas, dialogue is the tool to get people who want something together to work together towards creative solutions.
Bernard has worked with complex societal conflicts both in Sweden and internationally. Locally, he works with an assignment on predator conflicts and dialogue in complex public and private issues. He has led courses in mediation, process management, facilitation and negotiation for over 20 years.

Sara Hommen
Project manager, facilitator and trainer
About Sara
Sara is the founder of Vulkan Communication & Conflict Management.
She is an environmental communicator with further training in conflict studies and mediation in intractable social conflicts. Her interest lies in exploring the deep differences of opinion that we often encounter in natural resource management and community planning. She works on creating reflective learning processes that lead to real change by reaching down to the depths. She has ten years of experience in public administration and a lifetime of private enterprise.
Sara’s education and training give her various complementary areas – communication, change management and conflict management. With these skills, she works on designing participatory processes from start to finish, implements them and manages conflicts when necessary.

Martin Sande
Facilitator, mediator, trainer, advisor
About Martin
Founder and senior facilitator at Dialogues (svb). Active for 25 years as a consultant. Since 1995 he has worked with meeting needs for change, focusing on dialogue, co-creation and trust. Martin is appreciated for his energy, focus and special ability as a discussion leader to help groups face complex issues with courage, curiosity and respect. Martin helps groups to create results beyond what was thought possible.
Martin is the author of several publications in cooperation with SKR. In 2014, the book “From Arrogance to Intimacy – a handbook for active democracies” was published together with Dr Andy Williamsson. He has extensive experience in dialogues in complex and conflicting issues and works, among other things, with the wind power issue together with companies and authorities;

Maria Falkevik
Facilitator and development coordinator
About Maria
Maria works for the Varmland County Administrative Board as a development officer. She has extensive experience in managing conflicts involving large carnivores, wildlife, forestry and wind power.

Malin von Essen
Process manager, trainer and facilitator
About Malin
Since 2013, Malin has worked as a facilitator in her company, Malin von Essen AB. The main focus is to help groups deal with complex issues related to using and managing natural resources.
Malin is a forester (MSc in Forestry, SLU), journalist (JMK, Stockholm University) and Certified Facilitator (CPFTM).
Malin has 20 years of experience working with communication issues in the forestry sector, including in the role of communication strategist and communication manager. She has many years of experience in management and teamwork.
Exempel på genomförda uppdrag
- Revidering av förvaltningsplan för stora rovdjur i Sverige (Naturvårdsverket)
- Stöd till vindkraftbolag i frågor om motstånd mot vindkraft
- Dialog på nationell, regional och lokalnivå i rovdjurskonflikter (Europakommissionen)
- Design och utförande av utbildningar i samverkan, dialog och konflikthantering (Naturvårdsverket)
- Stöd i dialog som ett sätt att hantera motstånd mot etablering av naturskyddsområden (Länsstyrelse i Kalmar)
Contact us
Bernard: +46 763 16 55 55
Sara: +46 705609317
Sara Hommen: sara@vulkankonflikt.se
Bernard le Roux: bernard.leroux@dialogues.se
Martin Sande: martin.sande@dialogues.se
Kajsa Hansson: kajsa@cnrd.se