Initiatives and courses

Learning and sharing knowledge, skills and experience


Initiatives enabled and supported by CNRD

In the short time that CNRD has existed, it has, through collaboration between its professional members, enabled several initiatives.

Local Dialogue Forums

The use of Local Dialogue Forums (or platforms) for dealing with large carnivore conflicts in Sweden was one of the reasons CNRD was founded. The project was conducted with the support of the European Commissions Large Carnivore Plattform. The initial testing of these forums is now being extended and broadened to other natural resource conflict areas.

Local Dialogue Forums

The creation of Response Teams is a new initiative to meet the need for both responses to and competency to manage a wide spectrum of conflicts arising from natural resource challenges. It is a prototype focusing on Swedish conflicts and involving professional mediators and facilitators from several European countries.

Large Carnivore Dialogue

CNRD co-hosted a multi-level, multi-stakeholder meeting in Värmland in January 2023. The meeting was attended by representatives for the European Commission, the Swedish Parliament, County boards, European and Swedish stakeholder organisations as well as individual local hunters, farmers and conservationists.

Wind Power Collaboration

Regional and local authorities and wind power providers seldom meet. Yet they have common interests in reducing the level of tension around the establishment of new windfarms. CNRD has been instrumental in initiating collaboration between several providers and local and regional authorities in Värmland and Dalarna. 

Resources for training

CNRD has enabled collaboration between several providers of training courses for the Swedish EPA, Forestry Service and counties. The website is the repository for all training material and information about courses that are offered in the contract for the provision of these training courses. 

Resources for LCP Toolkit

The CNRD website hosts several tools in the Toolkit supporting establishing local and regional platforms on large carnivores. CNRD members contributed to the creation of the toolkit together with colleagues from Europe.

Link to the toolkit page

EU_Toolkit (download as PDF)

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Training courses for those who want to learn how to facilitate dialogue on natural resource issues on all levels.

Environmental Mediation

Environmental mediation aims at helping others to manage problems that arise in issues related to natural resources. Experienced mediators offer training courses for mediators meeting European standards.


Negotiation is part of any mediation or large-scale dialogue process. Those working with conservation also use negotiation more often than they may realise. Our negotiation courses are based on the same dialogical principles as both facilitation and mediation courses.

Managing conflicts

Those involved in natural resource conflicts may not always have the luxury of appointing an independent mediator or facilitator. There are however many ways in which they can contribute to the prevention and de-escalation of conflicts as participants in processes involving natural resources.

Courses for policy- and decision-makers

These courses are aimed at those responsible for policy decisions and those making decisions that affect natural resource issues. These may be people working in government agencies, or local and regional authorities.

Leading large scale processes

Long-term collaboration is often needed in order to manage natural resources. This may involve public participation or collaboration between different agencies and organisations.

Course leaders and trainers

Below is a list of experience trainers offering courses in different languages, each with their own areas of expertise. 

Sara Hommen

Bernard le Roux

Martin Sande

Malin von Essen